Tour with flower co.
The guys from Flower Co. dropped by for a farm tour and an interview. Native oaks, gorgeous views and organic sungrown flowers only found in Humboldt County. Let us know what you think.
A group of friends traveling through Southern India to build something new from Humboldt County.
After a long flight and an hour layover in Dubai, the four of us met up with our Malyalam friend Tommy who kindly showed us his hometown of Kottyam. After meeting Tommy’s parents, who graciously welcomed us into their home, we began the feeding frenzy. If there’s one thing to take away from Kerala, India, it’s the unbelievable flavor combinations.
“Kerela” can be translated into the “land of coconuts” and it’s name definitely holds true. A large majority of the dishes comprised of an incredible number of spices and usually coconut, all sourced locally from the community itself.
Walking through the Dubai airport
Tommy’s parents P.T. Bastin and Mini Bastin
One thing we all could agree on: Humboldt and Kerala share tons of similar characteristics. The biodiversity of the Indian state Kerala is incredible and rivals the beauty of Humboldt’s spectacular Redwood Coast.
We learned that herbs and spices can grow organically and naturally at Little Flower Farms. The owner of Little Flower Farms, Thomas John, took over the property shortly after his parents, who established the eco farm, passed away. By allowing for natural balances of plants, animals and insects Little Flower Farms ensures they are living in a thriving ecosystem. After spending time at the spice farm, it was time to head to the mountains where miles and miles of tea is cultivated.
In this Eastern section of Kerela, tea fields spread over miles and miles of rolling hills. With peak monsoon season, came heavy rains that swept through the town and neighboring communities. Here has a much different climate than just two hours towards the coast. With cold nights and windy days, all of us were glad we half hazardly threw sweatshirts and jackets into our packs as a “maybe.” Working in the tea fields didn’t look like easy work day after day, but as the group came down from the hill there were plenty of smiles as they carried down large bags filled with the days work.
Our time in the rolling hills came to a swift end and it was time to head back towards the coast where the group caught a house boat ride where we could see the backwaters of the area.
Soma Juice Founder, Marcus Armstrong, takes a photo of the Iranian Gulf during his stay at a true Ayruvedic retreat.